Letter L
Packages beginning with letter "L".
- libbase58 - Library for Bitcoin's base58 encoding
- libbase58-devel - Header files and development libraries for libbase58
- libbson - Building, parsing, and iterating BSON documents
- libbson-devel - Development files for mongo-c-driver
- libcouchbase - Couchbase client library
- libcouchbase-devel - Development files for Couchbase client library
- libcouchbase-libev - Couchbase client library - libev IO back-end
- libcouchbase-libevent - Couchbase client library - libevent IO back-end
- libcouchbase-libuv - Couchbase client library - libuv IO back-end
- libcouchbase-tools - Couchbase tools
- libcouchbase6 - Couchbase client library
- libcouchbase6-devel - Development files for Couchbase client library
- libcouchbase6-libev - Couchbase client library - libev IO back-end
- libcouchbase6-libevent - Couchbase client library - libevent IO back-end
- libcouchbase6-libuv - Couchbase client library - libuv IO back-end
- libcouchbase6-tools - Couchbase tools
- libcouchbase7 - Couchbase client library
- libcouchbase7-devel - Development files for Couchbase client library
- libcouchbase7-libev - Couchbase client library - libev IO back-end
- libcouchbase7-libevent - Couchbase client library - libevent IO back-end
- libcouchbase7-libuv - Couchbase client library - libuv IO back-end
- libcouchbase7-tools - Couchbase tools
- libcouchbase8 - Couchbase client library
- libcouchbase8-devel - Development files for Couchbase client library
- libcouchbase8-libev - Couchbase client library - libev IO back-end
- libcouchbase8-libevent - Couchbase client library - libevent IO back-end
- libcouchbase8-libuv - Couchbase client library - libuv IO back-end
- libcouchbase8-tools - Couchbase tools
- libdvdcss - A portable abstraction library for DVD decryption
- libdvdcss-devel - Header files and development libraries for libdvdcss
- libhandlebars - Handlebars C library
- libhandlebars-devel - Development files for libhandlebars
- libip2location - IP2Location C Library
- libip2location-devel - Development files for libip2location
- libmemcached-awesome - Client library and command line tools for memcached server
- libmemcached-awesome-devel - Header files and development libraries for libmemcached-awesome
- libmemcached-awesome-tools - libmemcached-awesome tools
- libmongocrypt - The companion C library for client side encryption in drivers
- libmongocrypt-devel - Header files and development libraries for libmongocrypt
- libmustache - Mustache C++ library
- libmustache-devel - Development files for libmustache
- librabbitmq - Client library for AMQP
- librabbitmq-devel - Header files and development libraries for librabbitmq
- librabbitmq-tools - Example tools built using the librabbitmq package
- librdkafka - Apache Kafka C/C++ client library
- librdkafka-devel - Development files for librdkafka
- librdkafka1php - Apache Kafka C/C++ client library
- librdkafka1php-devel - Development files for librdkafka1php
- libxlsxio - C library for reading values from and writing values to .xlsx files
- libxlsxio-devel - Header files and development libraries for xlsxio
- libxlsxwriter - A C library for creating Excel XLSX files
- libxlsxwriter-devel - Header files and development libraries for libxlsxwriter
- libzip - C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives
- libzip-devel - Development files for libzip
- libzip-tools - Command line tools from libzip